Speaker Success Solution – Chapter 3: ‘The writing your speech’-writing exercise

1. Define: what is you take away message: if you just could say 1 sentence what would that be about your topic. What is it your audience MUST remember about your talk. That’s you starting point.
2. Gather all you want to talk about and make a list or mindmap from it all. Pick a few favourites and separate them for the core of your talk, max 5.
3. Start writing, and remember every 1 minute is 8 sentences in a word document. So keep your timeslot in mind. Less is usually more…..

Count time for pauses, pace and connection with your audience as well!


4. Start thinking about your opening, grab your audience from the first second use an
engaging opening. Never “hello my name is… and I want to thank … for my talk…..”

5. Discover the title for your talk, it needs to fit with the topic and to lead to curiosity for the audience.


6. Make a decision if you want to use visuals at this stage of designing your talk, not before this point. It is a talk, not the movie of slideshow….


7. Work with a professional Speakercoach no matter how experienced you are.

Practise is key to every successful talk! You talk needs to be totally in you not only in your mind.


8. Use the Speaker Success Circle in practising:

70 % body language, 20 % voice-use and 10% content and use it 100% successfully!


9. Have fun no worries, nothing is perfect but personal is real, we want to see the real you.


10. Be ready to be seen by the whole world with your ideas worth spreading!


You can use my ‘Amatomy of a great speech’-template